Friday, January 11, 2013

Nuclear,Most important

You take the facts and look at all 4 of these environmental problems;Fracking,Coal,Foreign oil and Nuclear, you notice that nuclear has the most devastating effects.Sure at first you would say oh nuclear, I thought it was clean and a good energy source, yeah you dont know anything! Nuclear is hands down one of the biggest pollutions and the fasteset spreading ones at that and most life threatening.

That picture right there was the amount of radiation leaking and going out into the atmosphere from a nuclear power-plant. All this radiation that is going around could not only cause cancer if your exposed to too much of it but also it contributes to children being born with autism, hows that for clean and safe.

Finally there is always the possibility that a nuclear plant could experience a meltdown or worst an explosion letting out both a ton of radiation polluting the area for years to come or a large explosion destroying the are and all around it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nuclear vs Foreign

The fight of importance between Nuclear and Domestic oil is an easy win to Nuclear. Nuclear energy to me personally is the worst of them all so its a clear decision that it is more dangerous than domestic oil. It is true that the domestic oil incident in the gulf "closed 37% of the gulf but the nuclear incident in Chernobyl spread not only at the site put many different parts of the world, and its also true that the domestic oil incident in the golf "killed everyone on the job" but the Chernobyl incident they predict by now that there are "270,000 cancers and 93,000 deaths" because of it, way more than the Gulf.

This is a picture of the Chernobyl spread.

Nuclear energy deals with radiation which can spread way more and way faster than oil can causing a bigger threat faster. I'm not saying that domestic oil inst a big issue its just that Nuclear is more of a threat. Not to mention how many disasters has been caused because of it, major disasters like in Chernobyl!!and Fukushima!!.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Coal vs Fracking

Fracking and Coal, both killers of the environment this fact is true, but which one is more dangerous? Which one is more important to take care of?
    I say coal is, coal in it self if inhaled too much can cause a life threatning incurable disease know as Black Lungs. 

Coal not only caused for dangerous health risk but also sometimes the destruction of earth and property because of them having blow of mountain tops to get to the coal. This also makes coal mining areas very unsafe and unstable because while in the coal mines it could collapse and cave in causing multiple problems.

All the risk that Fracking puts out there coal also does like the pollution of water supplies, death of animals breaking of the earth, coal just has more impact to it. Not to mention the highly dangerous toxic solution that comes of from washing the coal called coal slurry. This coal slurry kills and pollutes anything thats around it including grasslands, waterbodies and water animals.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Global Warming Man made

Global warming is just a natural thing with man made contributions. Based on the films that we saw some of the situations caused could not have possibly been man made!! I saw a film called The Great Global Warming Swindle and in this film there were charts presented. The information on these charts said that the carbon dioxide that we produce causes the heat in the atmosphere to go up accordingly but other sources stated it was the other way around. The earth had already been through an ice age before we were even contributing all this carbon dioxide which shows that we have nothing to do with it.

The earth is naturally going through a global warming and we are just in the middle of it. Things that we are doing here on this planet yes are polluting it but not necessarily changing the temperature. There are some facts about Global warming that can have you thinking but there are usually facts that contradict it or prove it wrong.

This chart is a good example look as the CO2 as it goes up the atmospheres temperature doesn't really follows it varies on its own being high when CO2 is low and low when CO2 is high, they don't really have and correlation.