Friday, January 11, 2013

Nuclear,Most important

You take the facts and look at all 4 of these environmental problems;Fracking,Coal,Foreign oil and Nuclear, you notice that nuclear has the most devastating effects.Sure at first you would say oh nuclear, I thought it was clean and a good energy source, yeah you dont know anything! Nuclear is hands down one of the biggest pollutions and the fasteset spreading ones at that and most life threatening.

That picture right there was the amount of radiation leaking and going out into the atmosphere from a nuclear power-plant. All this radiation that is going around could not only cause cancer if your exposed to too much of it but also it contributes to children being born with autism, hows that for clean and safe.

Finally there is always the possibility that a nuclear plant could experience a meltdown or worst an explosion letting out both a ton of radiation polluting the area for years to come or a large explosion destroying the are and all around it.


  1. I used to think nuclear was a good way to power the planet too, but after learning more I realized the same things as you. Nuclear is very dangerous and leaves areas toxic for 1,000s of years and it puts children at risk. Like in Chernobyl, many children were and still are being born with mental and physical disabilities. Also the amount of children being prematurely born has rapidly increased.

  2. i know right, that stuff is toxic and utterly nasty

  3. I never knew that nuclear affected our planet this much until I did some research. I agree with what you said on children being born with disabilities. I think ever since chernobyl theres a large amount of birth defects.

  4. Your right, nuclear energy seems like a good way to power the planet until you do research on it.

  5. I agree that nuclear is the worse way to power the planet. It is terrible how toxic it is and how fast it spreads. It is also nearly impossible to get ride of, since it takes probably more than 1,000 years to get out of an area. And after seeing all of the pictures and videos of the children with birth defects from the Chernobyl accident, nuclear is no doubt, the worst way to power the planet.

  6. You did not say anything about how the nuclear waste is getting out of the plants and how it is the one the least pollutes the area and the world.
